B o r r e P i l o t .

Anécdotas y pensamientos desde la línea.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

As a child...

"Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow."
Dan Rather

Hello there, here we are again... I remember when I was a child, do you remember when you were little? We were definately different than how we are now and I'm not talking physically. Who wouldn't like sometimes to be a child again? Everything looks so different when you are a child, and is not that things are different, is that as children we see things different.

Do you remember when you were a child? Do you remember that you were wondered by everything you saw? Do you remember that you tried all that you wanted? Do you remember that more than imposibilities you saw posibilities? Do you remember that you mostly looked forward instead of starting to think about things from the past? Do you remember when we started walking? That we fell down so many times and we never gave up? We were different in so many things than the way we are now. We didn't see our limitations, we just tried things up not giving up so quickly.

We see babies when they start to walk. They fall down, one time and another and many others and they keep trying to walk as much as we tried. And then after many attempts we started walking on our own... Such is life! How hard would it be to see many things as we saw them when we were little? Why don't we think more about the future than about the past? Shouldn't we see more posibilities than imposibilities? Wouldn't be better to see our chances instead of our limitations? Shouldn't we keep trying and trying to reach a goal such as when we tried to begin walking? I'd really like to be as a child in so many things. Let's get wondered by what wee see, let's try whatever we want to try, let's go as far as we want to go, let's fly as high as we want to fly... just: as a child!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Twin Engine Training!

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do."
Johann von Goethe

Hello there! Now we've got good news. Yesterday I started the twin engine training, it was greater than how I supposed it was going to be. When I was taxiing was when I assumed this has started. Taxiing slowly, hearing and seeing two engines, feeling how it was a little hard to taxi it on the ground. I loved the engines run up, accelerating the engines to 2,200 RPM, checking the magnetos, feathering each engine which caused a great sound, then we taxied to the runway and when I applied full power to the engines was the best part, I could hear those two engines at their maximum power and in less time that I expected we were reaching the rotation speed (80 MPH). We started climbing, checked engine parameters, speed acceleating and a positive rate of climb so we put the landing gear up. In a little while I had passed our cruise speed by 300 ft, the airplane climbed so fast. I went down to 6,500ft ASL and we flew to the practice area where we did turns, climbs and descents. The highest climb was to 9,000ft. The approach was great, I loved when I put the propeller levers full forward while on final it did sound great, also when I put the landing gear down you inmediately feel that airplane slowing down. I made a "low" approach but the landing wasn't bad at all. Hope to keep flying that beauiful Piper Aztec and now I need 9 hours more on a twin engine in order to get the commercial license. We are back on track, we are on the way! See you soon =)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Videos in Flight...

Hello! Happy easter holidays! Thanks for visiting the blog. There is nothing new on the career but we are still alive and waiting for good things to come. I show you some videos of me in flight. Hope you like them... Take care and see you soon.